Bubeck Wardenburg, who treats patients at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, has shown that staph thwarts the activity of T cells, a subset of immune cells that are required to protect against the bacteria. Her work has led to a new vaccine design that she is using to develop a staph vaccine.
Category: School of Medicine news release
5 physician-scientists named to newest class of Dean’s Scholars (Links to an external site)
Butler, an assistant professor of pediatrics in the department’s critical care medicine division, will examine the complex relationships between human aging, neuronal biology, and brain injuries that result from restricted oxygen flow. Matsiukevich, an assistant professor of pediatrics in the department’s divisions of critical care medicine and cardiology, will conduct research on heart failure with […]
Duncan, Sadhu named Loeb Teaching Fellows (Links to an external site)
Duncan, an associate professor of pediatrics, will focus on developing a well-rounded curriculum for pediatric subspecialty trainees that offers career-specific lessons in clinical and academic skills, professional advancement and personal wellness. Examples include sessions on physician burnout, delivering bad news to patients, bioethics and clinical teaching.